ENG 日本語
八 ビ ッ ト
Japanese Vintage Computer Collection


Rumored to be a bit different flavor of MSX, the FM-X has been a point of curiosity for me for a while. On the heels of just missing a real bargain on one (because I failed to set an alarm), I settled for an okay deal on this one. It's quite clean, and comes with the original manual, so that sweetens the pot. 続き⇒
This is honestly a splendid game of Pac-Man. It's not attempting to be arcade-perfect, but it works beautifully within its limitations on the VIC-1001 hardware. It's one of the nicest home-system ports I've ever played. 続き⇒
This is a pretty unique game concept to me. You play as Batten the Tanuki, a martial arts master, or maybe he's just okay at martial arts, or something. And you adventure around the very colorful world, using your karate punch and karate kick to beat up other animals that would do you harm. 続き⇒
This has proven to be a pretty fun game, despite its simple mechanics. You wander around a maze-like world with a wide variety of aliens. It's pretty expansive and this is not a quick play, so fortunately they allow you to save your progress. Side note, it can be a bit of a pain, but you can save on your own data disk if you format it as a data disk using the PC-8801 disk formatting utility. You just have to remember to put the game disk back in after you die because it assumes you haven't switched it out. If you forget, it's reset time. 続き⇒
Drive around the forest and pick up would-be victims and take them to safety in the only house in the area. You can't shoot the baddies, but you can run them over safely if you're going fast enough. 続き⇒
メーカー ゲーム

八 ビ ッ ト hachibitto