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Japanese Vintage Computer Collection

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2024年07月20日 - 富士通FM-X
Rumored to be a bit different flavor of MSX, the FM-X has been a point of curiosity for me for a while. On the heels of just missing a real bargain on one (because I failed to set an alarm), I settled for an okay deal on this one. It's quite clean, and comes with the original manual, so that sweetens the pot. 続き⇒
I found this pretty unique set of items on Mercari a few days ago. It included a Pasopia7 computer with two boxed cartridges, three Pasopia7-dedicated peripherals and one Pasopia7 game, most of which I didn't even know existed. An Epson TF-10 dual disk drive unit (commonly available for other systems but this was the first time to see the Pasopia7 unit), a color printer/plotter, and an RS-232 adapter round out the peripherals collection. It also included a modem, which while not Pasopia7-specific, is pretty neat-looking. The game is 3-D Bomber Man (yes, that Bomber Man [it even says so on the box]). Everything but the modem was contained in its original box, and it seems like every manual and other piece of paper was saved, except the warranty cards which I might imagine were dutifully filled out and mailed off. 続き⇒
2024年06月29日 - SONY HB-10
I got this system recently because it was a good bargain on Mercari. It arrived at my house and lay untouched for about a week because I had so many other things going on, and then I took a small vacation. When I opened it and showed a photo of it to my chat group, it was immediately spoken for. But it's such a beauty, I wanted to capture some photos of it. 続き⇒
2024年06月17日 - 富士通FM-77 L4
Fairly early on in my collection, I had an FM-77. It's the successor to the FM-7, released, I believe, at the same time as the NEW7. There are four revisions of FM-77 and I don't recall which one I had, though I believe it was a D2 or L2. At the time I couldn't get it to work, but there was much I didn't understand back then, so perhaps it was through no fault of the machine. Although I couldn't use it, one thing that stuck out for me was that I loved the feel of the keyboard. It is perhaps the best one I've used in my collection. It's not clicky, which I tend to like, but it has a satisfying clang sound when you strike a key. In any event, I didn't really have the idea to blog about it at the time, so I just quietly sold it off, hopefully into more capable hands. 続き⇒
2024年05月24日 - 日立MB-H3
The Hitachi MB-H3 is one of the most unique MSX machines I've run into. It is an early MSX2 machine with a slightly unusual aesthetic. 続き⇒
2024年05月11日 - 三菱MULTI8
Well, it was bound to happen sooner or later; if a Japanese company made an 8-bit computer, I'm more than likely going to want to try it out. This time, I came across the Mitsubishi Multi8. It was far from a success, after the release of this, Mitsubishi chased the MSX market instead of continuing with their own unique 8-bit offerings. There was also a namesake successor, the Multi16, I don't know much about that one but it apparently wasn't compatible with the Multi8. 続き⇒
2024年04月24日 - ソード M203 マークIII
I got this unique machine and thought it was absolutely gorgeous, but I wasn't able to do much with it. It came with a monitor and floppies, and when I powered it on it didn't display anything, and that left a lot of uncertainties. Was the monitor bad? I can't easily connect anything else to it. Was the computer bad? I can't easily connect another monitor to it. Was both the monitor and computer fine, but required the original boot disks before anything would be displayed? Good luck finding those. And for all of its lack of functionality, it was also huge. 続き⇒
It's not so common to find games for the MZ-1500, but applications are that much rarer. A bit ago, I found two boxed applications with manuals, it was quite a surprise! This one is called Can Can, it's a Japanese word processor. You already know it's a little bit special, because they actually put their label on in a sensible manner, so both the label and the case can be upright at the same time. So far, they're the only ones to do it that I've seen. 続き⇒
Casio chose a different path for its bundled software than most companies. While Sharp, NEC, and Fujitsu (and others) included some simple demos to show off the system's capabilities, Casio included regular software. I am sure someone who had an FP-1100 with its fairly limited range of software might appreciate this, but as someone who has amassed a bunch of old computers and realizes that the FP-1100 simply doesn't have that much software but still enjoys the machine itself, I wish they had included the demo. Oh well! 続き⇒
I recently purchased the game Tonky as part of a lot deal of X1 D games (about half were 3" floppy disks and the other half tapes). This is the most intriguing game to me, and it doesn't disappoint. This article is more about the physical aspect of the game. I have more detailed information about gameplay in the Tonky game introduction page. 続き⇒

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