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Japanese Vintage Computer Collection

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2024年09月18日 - シャープ X68030
This article covers two X68030s: one that didn't work properly from the get-go, I poured a lot of money into it, and it still didn't work right, and the other that did work properly right off the bat, but cost a lot of money anyway. 続き⇒
2024年09月15日 - X68030カード電卓
I got this calculator as part of an X68030 system set. At first I didn't think too much of it, I've seen these calculators semi-frequently, but I went to do a Google search for it because I wanted to know how people refer to these devices. So I searched for "X68030 電卓" and when I wasn't making any headway with that, I tried "X68030 calculator", but this too returned surprisingly little in terms of reference. 続き⇒
2024年09月12日 - ソニー HB-T7
The Sony HB-T7 is a fairly introductory-level MSX2 machine, but it decidedly had its own twist. It was one of few machines that specifically targeted computer telecommunications enthusiasts. It had a dial-up modem before much of the general population was aware of what the Internet was. BBS fans or those interested in taking advantage of very specific services, I guess. It has a high-tech look to it with its sleek black and grey theme and translucent red covers for LED indicators that I couldn't really use. 続き⇒
2024年09月01日 - NEC PC-8001mkII
I've been picking up a few computers recently, mostly MSX, that I don't really intend to keep but I think are unique enough that I want to give them a test run and photograph them for the blog. The NEC PC-8001mkII is one such machine. I have the PC-8001 and PC-8001mkIISR, which is already pretty redundant, but as the aesthetics and materials are strikingly different I allow them to co-exist so far. The PC-8001mkII sits between them and lacks the tank-like build of the PC-8001, and does everything the PC-8001mkIISR does except the FM sound. Overall, it's hard to give it a permanent home with my lack of space. But it is a cool computer, and had I not gotten a reasonable deal on the SR variant, I probably would have ended up with this, as it's a lot cheaper! 続き⇒
2024年08月31日 - ナショナルTR-120M1C
I bought a JR-100 set off Mercari a few weeks ago. It included a JR-100 computer, the expansion unit, the required dedicated power supply unit for the expansion unit, a few books and manuals, a joystick, and this monitor - the National TR-120M1C. I turned on the JR-100 plugged into the monitor and... 続き⇒
2024年08月18日 - パナソニック FS-A1
The first release of the Panasonic FS-A1 came in two colors: boring black and rad red. I mean, the black one is also quite handsome, with its orange accents, but black is pretty laid-back and unobtrusive while red is more eye-catching and statement-making. Opinions are opinions and they're all their own special treasures and all that, but Yahoo Auctions closing prices, while there are a lot of variables at play, point to the red variant being far rarer and somewhat more expensive on average. Look at it, it's easy to see the appeal! 続き⇒
As part of the lot of Pasopia7 peripherals I recently purchased, I picked up this printer/plotter. I would not have purchased this by itself, I don't really want a printer of any sort in my collection, with the one exception of the built-in printer in the MZ-700, which gets its pass because it takes up but the tiniest bit of extra space (but unfortunately, it also doesn't have pens yet). 続き⇒
2024年07月20日 - 富士通FM-X
Rumored to be a bit different flavor of MSX, the FM-X has been a point of curiosity for me for a while. On the heels of just missing a real bargain on one (because I failed to set an alarm), I settled for an okay deal on this one. It's quite clean, and comes with the original manual, so that sweetens the pot. 続き⇒
I found this pretty unique set of items on Mercari a few days ago. It included a Pasopia7 computer with two boxed cartridges, three Pasopia7-dedicated peripherals and one Pasopia7 game, most of which I didn't even know existed. An Epson TF-10 dual disk drive unit (commonly available for other systems but this was the first time to see the Pasopia7 unit), a color printer/plotter, and an RS-232 adapter round out the peripherals collection. It also included a modem, which while not Pasopia7-specific, is pretty neat-looking. The game is 3-D Bomber Man (yes, that Bomber Man [it even says so on the box]). Everything but the modem was contained in its original box, and it seems like every manual and other piece of paper was saved, except the warranty cards which I might imagine were dutifully filled out and mailed off. 続き⇒
2024年06月29日 - SONY HB-10
I got this system recently because it was a good bargain on Mercari. It arrived at my house and lay untouched for about a week because I had so many other things going on, and then I took a small vacation. When I opened it and showed a photo of it to my chat group, it was immediately spoken for. But it's such a beauty, I wanted to capture some photos of it. 続き⇒

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