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Japanese Vintage Computer Collection

Game introductions have well surpassed 100! Take a look under the "games" menu.

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Rumored to be a bit different flavor of MSX, the FM-X has been a point of curiosity for me for a while. On the heels of just missing a real bargain on one (because I failed to set an alarm), I settled for an okay deal on this one. It's quite clean, and comes with the original manual, so that sweetens the pot. continued ⇒
Newest game introduction
Heiankyo Alien sounds so deeply mysterious, and the cover art on the cassette version just stokes the flames of the mystery. But in reality, this is just Alien, or sometimes Super Alien, the same game as released on the VIC-20 in the western world. This was released on many platforms by a variety of companies, usually with a simpler name, and I believe most famously by I/O. There is a good chance this was just based on or totally copied from magazine source code. I picked this game up with Snake, which I got as part of a small lot of software on cassette for the VIC-1001. It is really quite unusual to find tape-based software for the VIC-1001. continued ⇒
Random entries
Dig Dug already had a pretty solid port for the FM-7, X1, and PC-8801, so I was a little surprised to see this re-release for the FM77AV. But honestly, if any of the three deserved a revamp, it was definitely the FM-7 version. They made good use of the FM77AV's features. continued ⇒
In this game, you play a police dog, and your job is to set up obstacles so criminal gorillas are encouraged to accidentally walk into jail. If they get into the bank, it's curtains for your career. If they touch you, of course that'll cost you a K-9 life. continued ⇒
Recently, Yahoo Auctions business account yugen2plus has been selling a bunch of purportedly never-opened, never-used PC games for a variety of systems, mostly X1 and PC-8801. A lot of them have been on the pricey side, but some are in the realm of reasonably priced. continued ⇒
manufacturers games

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