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Tokyo Retro Computer Users

絞り込み: 基本情報集会レポート全種類

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2025年01月26日 - お知らせ
Apologies, but website updates are coming at an infrequent pace these days. We are still in the process of finding a permanent home for our event, but we do still aim to have a monthly meetup. Please feel free to get in touch with us if you are interested in joining. 現在はサイト更新は停止しておりますが、基本的に毎月に集会を行っております。参加するにご興味がありましたらご連絡ください続き⇒
2024年09月28日 - 次回の集会を参加
Major update: we've moved! See more in the article link. 最新情報:ミートアップを新しい会場に移動しました。詳しくは下記のリンクをクリックして下さい。 If you want to join in the fun activities, we welcome friendly new faces to our laid-back environment. Our next meeting is scheduled for February 22nd. More details available below. ご興味のある方はお気軽くご連絡ください。次のミートアップは2月22日予定です。詳しくは、この記事を読み続き 下さい。 続き⇒
Meetup #57 marked the end of an era. The venue we have been using for the past five years is closing down. It's not completely closed at the time of this article, but the 4th floor is no longer available, so if we continued here for the short remaining time, we would have to share a smaller space with more people. So we decided this would be the last meetup at this venue. It was a good run. We have already decided the new (albeit perhaps temporary) venue, so please check at the event schedule page. 続き⇒
A special guest, rare peripherals, and a new member were some of the features of this month's meetup. 続き⇒
Our 53rd meetup is in the books. Sean brought in his FM-77 L4 for a little bit of gaming and messing around with Logo, as well as his Hitachi MB-H3 MSX2 machine for a second attempt at fixing the keyboard. The expected fix did not succeed in getting the "@" key to respond. Games were played, and Logo was messed around with, however. 続き⇒
We met up for a 52nd time in our usual place. Sean brought two things with two missions in mind: a modest collection of X1 D 3" games for dumping, and a Hitachi MB-H3 (an MSX2 computer) for repairing the P and @ keys. It seems half the meetup members threw in their hands to help with the P and @ keys, and in the end, we got the P key working! The MB-H3 is notable for having handwriting recognition, which, while a little quirky, actually works pretty well. 続き⇒
For our 51st meetup, Sean came in with a PC-8001mkIISR and its hallmark game - Pac-Land. Yes, this game got a PC-8001 series release alongside the X68000 release, and the PC-8001mkIISR has a struggle with it, but it's the game, for sure. He also brought in an MSX SD mapper cartridge to play with, bumming an MSX from Tom and Michelle in turn. 続き⇒
January 27th, 2024 marked our 50th gathering. We began in late 2019, had to take a few months off for Covid-19 restrictions, and since then we have been meeting about once a month. Although some members have moved or otherwise stopped attending, our membership has grown overall, with about 15 regular members, and around 10-12 members per event. And what better way to celebrate #50 than with a new blog? 続き⇒
Another 8-bit meetup in the books. Sean was busy with his nose in his projects today, so not a lot of photos, and those that were taken were courtesy of Sven. We can see Sean with his MZ-1500, doing a bunch of QuickDisk dumping with newish member Hide. 続き⇒
Our 48th meetup saw a few machines that had not been brought in before. For example, Sean brought in his NEC PC-98DO+, a machine that has PC-9801 and PC-8801 compatibility. The purpose was to get some games installed on the hard drive emulator, but we were ultimately only able to get one to play properly. 続き⇒

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八 ビ ッ ト hachibitto